What our Customers say...

Cleaning Testimonials

I did a Google search when my house-sitter popped a positive test for Covid-19. SERVPRO was the main one to come up. My wife called while we were planning on driving to our house after being on a almost 2 month vacation in our motorhome. An hour later, I heard from Josh who was kind and professional on the phone! He explained everything that they do in a positive case scenario. We were trying to get someone ASAP since we have been gone from our animals and nephews for almost 2 months and less than 24 hours from original call, they had Sandy on the way! I can’t recommend their services more! If I could give a 10 star review I would! They are professional and have rapid response rates! I think what stood out the most to me was their honesty. They were upfront the whole time. I was told an incorrect price and Josh called back immediately and informed me of a lower price. They could have easily billed the higher rate and pocketed the money but they didn’t! I’m definitely keeping their contact info in my phone….but knock on wood….hopefully I’ll never need Covid cleaning again!!!

SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City came out to clean carpets for my elderly mother. They were prompt, efficient and very patient working in a small area. We were pleasantly pleased with their pricing and their ability to place everything back as it was when they started. We will definitely use SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City again!

Perfect. Thank you, Nick! I checked it out this evening and it looked like what I originally expected. Nice work.

SERVPRO of North OKC arrived on time. We needed them here in a time crunch ahead of my wife’s event and they were very accommodating. Our carpets looked great and were dry in time!

Nick did a great job cleaning my carpets. We have never had it done so knew he was up for a big challenge. They look great and I could not be happier with the outcome.

"My rugs look brand new! Thanks, SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City!"

My carpets/rugs look like new. Thank you, thank you, thank you!