How Landscaping Can Save Your Home From Storm Damage
11/12/2019 (Permalink)
How Landscaping Can Save Your Home From Storm Damage
Outside flooding can be just as damaging to your Edmond, OK home as indoor flooding. Accumulated rainwater can infiltrate the building and create erosion that can damage your lawn. However, you can mitigate this devastating impact. You can use certain landscaping techniques that can decrease the amount of water accumulated around your house, which significantly reduces potential water damage and the need to call a water damage repair company.
Draining Driveways
Driveways are one of the most common places where rain drainage can gather and harm your home. You might need to consider rainwater when making choices for the design of your driveway.
Placement of grass near the driveway
Drainage systems on the sides
Gravel as pavement material
Spaced paving techniques
Strategic driveway design can make efficient use of excessive water, rather than allow it to flood the property.
Rain Gardens
Sometimes, the best way to combat outside flooding involves installing rain gardens. In this practice, you place plants with higher wetness resistance in the center of a depression, with other plants around the edges. This landscape feature allows the water to collect in the middle and reintegrate into the soil, thus feeding the central plants, while the edges dry off faster. Native plants are the most effective, since they require less maintenance.
Living Roofs
Another outdoor location in your home that can flood and create water damage after a rain storm is the roof. While you may have a sloped roof and a drainage system to avoid the buildup, you can take these measures further. Living roofs, also known as green roofs, have vegetation and plants that absorb much of the rainwater. These roofs also include slopes, rain spouts and drainage systems that further distribute the water.
Even though inside flooding poses a direct threat to your property, outside flooding can contribute just as much. Certain landscaping designs can help you prevent the damage caused by such occurrence.