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Archived Storm Damage Blog Posts

Storm Planning to Keep Everyone Calm | SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City to help you recover.

Thunder starts to boom and lightning brightens your entire house while the kids are hiding out and the dog won’t get out from under your feet—a storm is ready to strike. In the midst of what can feel like chaos, knowing how to stay safe can feel challenging.

Tornadoes can be quite common in our area, but even the most seasoned Oklahoman can be caught off-guard when things start to get serious. With the threat of strong thunderstorms, heavy rains and intense winds another constant in our community, making a plan is crucial.

With a solid, well-rehearsed emergency plan, you can keep your entire family calm and safe.

Knowing What to Look For

Kids love cloud watching, which makes spending time finding shapes in the sky a great way to start talking about storm safety. Talk to your children about the kinds of clouds they may see when a storm or tornado is approaching. Make sure they understand that things could be dark, or it could look like everything is turning green. Tell them to watch for swirling clouds, and if they ever see any to move to shelter quickly.

Since thunderstorms can be such a common occurrence year round, it can be easy to ignore the first few rumbles. Lightning can strike from many miles away though, so it’s crucial that everyone in your family understands to head indoors when they hear the first boom. Tornado sirens are another important sound that your kids need to be able to identify. Check on testing dates, and tell the kids to see how fast they can safely get indoors when they hear the siren.

Preparing for the Event

Getting familiar with the sights and sounds of a storm is a great way to jump into a deeper conversation about safety with your family. Together, create an emergency plan so that everyone knows where to go and what to take with them when a storm is nearby.

A room with interior walls, no windows and on the lowest level of your home is ideal for riding out tornadoes and strong thunderstorms. Show your kids the best room in your house and have them practice getting themselves there in the dark. Build a family fort to practice huddling together and spending time in tight conditions. Keep things light and fun to ease any potential fears.

Put together an emergency kit as a family as well. Make sure you have plenty of first-aid supplies, batteries, candles and flashlights. Let the kids pick out a fun flashlight to keep as their own, and toss in some of their favorite snacks.

Most items should live in your emergency kit permanently, but when a watch is issued, it is an ideal time to add additional water, prescription medications and shoes for everyone in your family.

Toss in some non-electronic games and books as well. If the power is out long-term, comfort items can be a helpful way to keep everyone happy.

Keeping Calm

Weather anxiety is a common affliction for many of us, so apprehension around severe weather is normal, especially in children. It is important to understand that extreme damage after a storm isn’t common. Most homes will only see damage to the roof, siding and yard when the weather gets rough.

The most important part of any plan is to remain calm. It is much easier to make quick decisions when you aren’t overly stressed, so do what you can to keep everything light-hearted. Stick to your plan and talk with your kids. When you are prepared, you can ride out storms with confidence.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

Getting Down to the Basics of Flood Prevention | SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

When you want to do something well, you need to first focus on the basics. If you have kids and have ever had to help with math homework, you already know that learning the basics is the only way to succeed—and walk away from the homework table tear-free.

Getting down to the basics is a good way to protect your home from potential disasters, too. We might not be able to stop Mother Nature from sharing her darker side with us, but when our homes are prepared, we can mitigate our losses and recover faster.

Every year around the nation, homes are damaged in flooding. Since it is one of the most common kinds of home damage, it is crucial we cover the basics of flood protection for our homes and our families.

Know Your Zone

One of the reasons that flooding is so prevalent is because it can happen in so many different ways. Not all flooding originates from nature, but internal manmade disasters like leaking appliances are often easier to control and clean up after.

Weather-related flooding is more complicated. Heavy rains are common in our area, which leaves us vulnerable to flash flooding. With the Oklahoma River nearby, river flooding can also be detrimental to many of our community members.

In order to start protecting your home, get to know where it lies in the flood zones. This can help you better identify your unique risks so that you can prepare appropriately.

Get to know your yard and how the community handles heavy rains as well. If you have a low-lying spot or live in a valley between hills, you may need to increase the drainage in your yard or lengthen your gutter downspouts.

If you live in a heavily wooded area, investing in gutter covers might be a good idea. This can ensure your gutters won’t become blocked with leaves and other debris, which could lead to roof leaks and other water damage in your home. Understanding how your home and your community responds to water is the best way to take action against potential damage.

Prepare to Prevent

Knowing your zone is a great starting point when it comes to covering the basics of flood protection, but there are also some action steps you can take. Start with basic home maintenance inside and out.

In your yard, check for gentle grading that rolls away from your house. This will ensure water is always flowing away. Watch for areas that wash out after a heavy rain, and add organic material or consider a rain garden in those spots for further protection. Taking your gutter downspouts underground can be an inexpensive upgrade that ensure water moves away from your home before it ever has the opportunity to leave things wet.

On the inside of your home, take a bottom-up approach. Make sure your basement is well-sealed. You may need to have it professionally sealed every five to 10 years, or if you see signs of cracks or gaps forming.

Check the weather stripping and caulking on your windows and doors throughout your home as well. Replace anything that has worn out to prevent drips when rain sets in.

Take flood protection back to the basics. Maintain your home, get to know your zones and keep an eye out for potential issues. Keeping things dry will be easier than helping with multiplication homework any day.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Spring Storm Prep | SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City

3/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pouring down on an outdoor metal roof in a storm Let SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City help you get from April showers to May flowers.

Spring is here, which means more time outdoors—at least, when it isn’t raining. Spring in Oklahoma may bring plenty of new flowers, but it also brings heavy rains and thunderstorms.

The further we get into the spring season, the stronger storms can become. Tornadoes are also a reality. With severe weather a real possibility this time of the year, it is crucial to be prepared for anything Mother Nature throws our way.

Receiving weather alerts and staying up to date on severe storm situations can save your life when things are getting intense. There are plenty of ways to keep you and your family safe through every weather event.

The Power of the Internet

Are you ever very far away from your phone? Our devices are plentiful these days, and a great way to stay connected. They are also a great way to receive real-time alerts when there is a situation headed your way. You can receive Wireless Emergency Alerts that will come through automatically for a variety of events, but you can also download apps that can keep you informed.

When you are choosing apps to receive notifications from, stick to nationally recognized organizations and local sources. News stations are a good choice as they can not only send weather alerts for your area, but you could choose to receive a number of other alerts relevant to your town. Make sure you also sign up for alerts from the city.

Make sure you are utilizing a variety of sources when severe weather is predicted. Tune into a news station in order to keep up to date about evacuation orders, road closures and shelter openings.

Non-Electronic Options

While our electronics do a great job of keeping us up to date on just about everything, they still require power in order to keep running long-term. It isn’t uncommon for the power to be knocked out when a storm rolls through, and sometimes power outages can last for days. You need another way to quickly receive weather alerts when the batteries on your phone and other devices wear out.

Many towns have systems that will alarm for a number of events. If your home is close enough to hear them, make sure you know what the different alarms mean so that you can respond appropriately. An NOAA weather radio is a wonderful investment that every home should make. These are generally powered with a hand-crank or with solar power, and they are portable. That means you can keep up with alerts and other news even if you are in a sheltered location.

Keep your weather radio on even after the first wave of storms has moved through. Many severe systems come with more than one round of potentially damaging winds, thunderstorms and tornadoes.

With multiple ways to receive updates and alerts, you can rest a little easier knowing that you and your family can move to safety as needed. Even a prepared home may not come out unscathed, though, when storms are strong enough. If you find your home damaged, call us. We can respond day or night to start your recovery right away. We will get things back to normal fast.

Serious storms can cause serious property damage. Call SERVPRO® 247 for immediate restoration assistance.

Damage That Could Happen to Your Home | SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

residentail home with roof destroyed and debris falling down If you discover damage in your residence, call SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City right away.

There are so many things that leave our home vulnerable to damage—severe weather, a fire, an aging structure or even that friendly neighbor who chucks a ball a little too hard and breaks your window.

Even though there are risks, we can’t spend our time worrying about them. A natural disaster might not be easily predicted, but with preparation, you can rest a little easier knowing that you have done everything possible to protect your home and your family.

We can’t prepare for something when we don’t know what to prepare for, so the best way to start protecting your home is to get to know the kinds of damage your home might face. The more you know about your risks, the more you will understand how easily they can be restored when a disaster strikes, especially with SERVPRO® of North Oklahoma City right around the corner.

The Biggest Risks

Tornadoes, thunderstorms and high winds are some of the biggest threats our weather in Oklahoma City might bring to us. While spring and summer tend to be the months we see the most severe weather, it can’t be ruled out even when the temperatures have started to cool down.

While the threats may vary, there are three main ways homes across the nation, and in Oklahoma, are most commonly damaged. Roof damage, water damage and fire are dangers that everyone should be prepared for.

Each of these dangers can come from a variety of different places too, including internal and external places. Water might be from a flood or a heavy rain, or it could be from an appliance or plumbing failure. Your roof can experience damage from rain or a falling limb. There is a slight risk of wildfires in our area, but most home fires originate inside as a result of manmade incidents.

Compounding Damages

Living through any kind of disaster is a traumatic experience, but when you begin to see the depth of compounding damage that has been done it can feel completely overwhelming. One kind of damage almost always leads to another kind of damage.

Flooding doesn’t just leave your home wet, but it also allows for mold to start and spread rapidly. Fire can create total destruction where the flames were, but it can also spread smoke, soot and odors into rooms far away from where it began. Your home will also experience water damage or damage from the chemicals used to put the fire out.

No matter how your home is damaged, your recovery process will need to happen in a few different steps. Our team will walk you through every step, and with training in a multitude of areas, we can handle anything your restoration needs. SERVPRO has the tools to tackle water, mold, wind, fire and even construction.

If you experience a flooded basement or a leak in your roof, our first step will be to start drying everything out. We will also tackle any lingering odors that might be left behind and ensure your home is structurally sound. This might mean replacing roof beams or sealing up your basement in order to stop any potential mold.

After a fire, we will handle the most damaged areas of your home. We will remove anything too damaged to repair and seal your house off from the elements. Our team will inspect every part of your home to ensure smoke and soot damage are removed. If your home is damaged beyond repair, we can take it down and rebuild it.

When you work with SERVPRO, you won’t have to coordinate with other contractors. We will handle dealing with your insurance company, too. We make it our goal to make your recovery process as easy and smooth as possible. With 247 availability, we get started fast so that you can get your home back.

Does your home need restoration and you don’t want to make more than one call? Contact us to get everything handled by one team.

When Winter Storms Get Strong | SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

snowy highway with vehicles driving in a squall The winter season is almost upon us! SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City has your back with these helpful tips.

We enjoy a pretty mild winter most of the time in this part of Oklahoma. Although the majority of the season brings us reasonable temperatures, rain and gray skies, snowstorms, ice storms and freezing temperatures can’t be ruled out entirely.

Regardless of what this winter season actually decides to bring us weather-wise, the more prepared we are, the safer we can stay. When we get our home and our family ready for anything, we can avoid disasters.

Preparing Your Home

When winter weather is predicted, you need to take early action so that you can hunker down as the actual storm hits. Freezing rain, snow or ice can create dangerous driving conditions, so it is best to avoid getting on the roads as much as you can.

Ahead of the storm, gather some emergency supplies and invest in a weather radio if you don’t already have one. Winter storms commonly knock out the power, so you need to be prepared to get through a few days with no electricity.

Make an emergency kit with plenty of batteries, first-aid supplies and flashlights. Make sure you have enough food and snacks for everyone as well, and get your blankets out of storage. If you have a fireplace, make sure you have wood easily accessible or ensure your pilot light is on and everything is ready.

Chat with your neighbors, family and friends as well and consider the best place for keeping everyone safe in the event that things become very cold. Warming centers often open at the local Salvation Army when the temps take a dive, which can be a great option for getting warmed up during the day.

Taking Care of Your Home After the Storm

Once the storm has passed and the dust begins to settle, give your home a quick assessment to check for damage. Even if you don’t see any right away, there are a few places you will want to give some extra love in order to prevent future damage during the season.

Give your roof a good inspection. Look for wind or rain damage, and keep an eye out for debris along your gutter line. Water that can’t flow freely away from your home can freeze and damage your roof as well as block your gutters. Remove limbs, leaves and any lingering ice that hasn’t melted so things can keep moving.

Watch for standing water in your yard, and clear out any debris from gutter downspouts. Make sure your gutters haven’t come disconnected anywhere and there isn’t any damage to your siding, window or door frames. Keep vents on your home clear so that carbon monoxide doesn’t build up inside.

How We Can Help

If you experience damage during or after a winter storm has blown through, call us as soon as you can safely do so. We are available around the clock, and from the moment you can the wheels of your recovery will be spinning. We will gather as much information over the phone as we can while we get a team prepped to head to your home. Once our crew gets there, they will assess your whole home and let you know exactly what your recovery will look like.

It is our goal to restore your home quickly and efficiently. We want to get your home back to the way it was so you can get back to enjoying (or curling up under a blanket and counting the days till spring) the rest of the winter season.

Our team is always ready for anything! Contact us at SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City for a quick restoration after suffering damage from a winter storm.

Storm Season Is Here. Is Your House Ready? | SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Empty parking lot with lots of greenery shown during a heavy downpour of rain. Have you been impacted by the unusual summer storm season? SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City has your back when you experience flood and water damage.

We are no strangers to storms here in Oklahoma City! That’s why it’s not uncommon for multiple games at the Women’s College World Series, held here each May and June, to be disrupted or delayed due to weather. And why we’re accustomed to weather reports regularly interrupting our TV-viewing with reports about tornadoes in the area around us.

Because of that, it’s important to take precautions to prepare your house to withstand stormy conditions. After all, no one has the time or the desire to deal with storm damage. Wondering where to begin? Start with the steps outlined below.

Prepping for the Season

Preparing your home for storms doesn’t have to be a daunting task to complete. Many storm-proofing measures can be effortlessly integrated into your daily routine or your monthly household maintenance list.

Your preparation efforts should be twofold—focusing both on the area around your home and on the structure of your house. Start from the outside.

As you do your weekly lawn work, keep a close eye on your trees. If any branches are dead or dying, trim them. The last thing you need is for them to become projectiles during a storm! Clear your gutters of leaves, branches and other debris often, too.

If you have patio furniture or other objects that stay outside all the time, be sure that they’re tied down or secured in some way. Like tree branches, these items can also go flying when winds are strong.

You should also look around your home’s structure to ensure it’s fortified against storm damage. Look for missing shingles on the roof or gaps that need to be re-caulked, and make sure that your windows are sealed to protect against water leaking inside.

Upgrading Your Home’s Defenses

While many storm preparations can be done without sustaining additional costs, investing some money in upgrades can pay off when it comes to protecting your house and family.

In our storm-prone area, many homes have storm shutters that can protect against damage during inclement weather. You may also want to install stronger, higher-grade windows, as well as gutter guards to keep your gutters clean and clear.

If you live in a mobile home or have a modular structure on your property, ensure it has tie-downs designed to hold it securely to the ground. And in the event of a severe storm, seek shelter elsewhere, since intense winds can pick up any building without a foundation.

When storm damage strikes, SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to restore your home.

When a Disaster Strikes Your Home | SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Dramatic night shot of a home with visible roof damage from a recently storm and fallen debris Summer storms affecting your property? Call SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City to restore your space in no time!

No one ever wants to think about a disaster striking their home, but it is something we should all be prepared for. Severe weather can blow into your town faster than you ever imagined, leaving behind a trail of damages.

Our unique location may be beautiful, but being so close to the cold Rocky Mountains and the warm Gulf of Mexico can also set us up for some pretty severe weather. Thunderstorms and tornadoes are common in our area, which is one of the reasons that Oklahoma City has hundreds of tornado sirens all around.

With the threat of such strong storms always a possibility, we know the importance of being prepared and responding quickly. But knowing what to do after a storm is just as crucial for ensuring a fast and easy recovery.

Immediately After the Storm

After a severe storm has moved out of the area and the professionals have given an all-clear, continue to stay alert for lingering thunder and lightning and be prepared for the potential of additional rounds of severe storms. Keep your weather radio on, and make sure you can quickly get back to your safe space if needed.

Once the main threat has passed, checking on your loved ones should be top priority. Make sure you have covered your communication plan with your whole family in case cell services are out. Text messaging can sometimes be more reliable after an event, so make sure everyone knows how to contact one another.

Go and check on those around you as soon as you are safely able to do so. Don’t go into their homes if they are damaged or any other damaged buildings, but instead search for safe ways for them to get out. Clean as much debris out of the roadways and driveways as you are able so that emergency personnel can get through.

When you know your loved ones and neighbors are OK, start documenting the damage to your property while you call SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City. Our team is available to respond 247, which means we can get your restoration started as soon as you call us.

As More Time Passes

In the hours, days and even weeks that follow a disastrous event, the work that is ahead of you and everyone else will slowly begin to unfold. It is crucial as time passes to still pay close attention to what is happening all around you, including the weather forecasts. Wear shoes that can keep your feet safe from debris, and keep your cell phone charged for additional weather alerts should another storm system head your way.

Preventing additional damage is always the first stage of any kind of restoration, and when our team arrives at your property, this will become their first priority. Tarping the roof, sealing off broken windows or doors and drying out standing water will be the first steps to putting your home back together.

At SERVPRO®, we will work side by side with your insurance company in order to meet any needs you have to ensure a smooth claim process. As the full scope of damage to your home is assessed, you may need to consider housing yourself and your family elsewhere while repairs are completed.

One of the best ways to ensure a smooth recovery is to remain calm. That can feel easier said than done when you are dealing with the reality of a devastating storm, but with a professional crew working around the clock, your home will be as good as new in no time at all.

If a storm leaves your home damaged, contact us for fast recovery. We’re here 247 when you need us.

The Wonders and Dangers of Wind | SERVPRO® of North Oklahoma City

6/5/2023 (Permalink)

img src =”storm” alt = "dense forest area with trees bending due to intense wind and rain ” > If you've suffered from storm-related damage to your home or business, make SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City your first call.

An unexpected gust of wind can offer a nice break from a hot and humid day. However, it can also be a threat that can catch you off guard. The unpredictable nature of wind can turn it into either a lifesaver or a danger.

Wind can be a concern at any time of year, but it is most dangerous in the spring and summer. It doesn’t have to be a cloudy day for it to blow in; it might strike even on a beautiful day!

Always be wary of the potential destruction that severe winds can cause, and learn how you can protect your home from its aftermath.

The Different Kinds of Wind

According to NOAA, around half of deadly wind conditions occur during thunderstorms, almost as commonly as tornadoes. The frequency of this threat makes it equally necessary to prepare ahead.

Thunderstorms can generate winds of up to 60 miles per hour, which can pick up and throw heavy debris around.

One type of wind that you may see during thunderstorms is straight-line wind. These winds can blow at a speed of up to 100 miles per hour and can cause chaos in any region, even areas that don’t get any rain.

Tornadoes are frequently the first thought that comes to mind when we consider strong winds. They can generate different types of dangerous winds, such as straight-line winds, downdrafts, and micro- and macro-bursts.

Oklahoma is known as one of the tornado-prone states, with the most tornadoes occurring in May. Tornadoes cause violent winds to blow through Oklahoma City, causing extensive damage to entire towns.

Wind Damage and Prevention

When dangerous winds blow, they can topple trees, send debris flying and bring down power lines. Wind speeds of up to 80 miles per hour can even uproot a stationary mobile home!

To stay safe during severe wind events, comprehend the local weather alerts that are sent out during emergencies. It’s also wise to secure any outdoor furniture to prevent it from being thrown at your home and causing damage when the wind starts to pick up.

Trim any trees or branches that might pose a threat to your safety and home when winds are strong. Keep your home from being pelted by outdoor debris by removing any branches outside.

After the wind dies down, check your entire property for damage. Begin with the roof since missing or damaged shingles can quickly send water leaking into your Oklahoma City. If you suffer from any destruction caused by severe winds, our team of SERVPRO experts can restore your home rapidly!

Has your home been damaged by wind? Call us and get things cleaned up fast.

4 Ways To Prevent a Sewage Backup

5/24/2022 (Permalink)

Trucks from a restoration company When disaster strikes, SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City is always "Here to help." Our team is on standby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

4 Ways to Avoid a Sewer Backup

As a homeowner, you understand the responsibilities that come from ownership. Still, you likely also understand that disasters, such as a sewer backup might occur despite your best efforts. According to water mitigation services in Edmond, OK, there are several things you can do to limit or reduce your risks of such disasters.

1. Backflow Valve

Many homeowners might commit to routine sewer cleaning as a prevention strategy, but that will not always prevent the problem, especially during a storm surge. Instead, homeowners can opt for a backflow prevention valve. The mechanism requires professional installation, but it closes off access to your home's plumbing from the exit point, allowing water or sewage to flow out but not in.

2. Backup Drain Plug

A drain plug works similarly to a backflow valve, but it is significantly less expensive and can be installed with DIY methods. However, it is not as effective as a valve. The plug is essentially a rubber ball or blocker on a float. As the water level rises in the drainpipe, it seals off the drain. Unfortunately, some fluids might seep past the plug, allowing for some water or storm damage.

3. Overhead Sewer

An overhead sewer provides the best protection against floods and incorporates a sump pump and overhead plumbing. Unfortunately, it is also the most costly option for prevention.

4. Standpipe

A standpipe is exactly what it sounds like. It is a standing pipe, typically connected to a drain. The pipe provides extra space for backflow. Ideally, the pipe itself will not overflow. The pipe typically offers protection against three feet of flooding.
Having backup prevention options is a crucial part of homeownership. You want to ensure that your basement is free of all flood risks or as many as possible. Incorporating any one or combination of the above measures can significantly decrease flood risks.

Commercial Insurance for Flood-Related Damage

5/1/2022 (Permalink)

Flood insurance form on a table with a book. Any attempt to make an insurance claim for flooding on a standard commercial insurance policy will quickly reveal the need for a separate flood policy

Commercial Flood Insurance

Any attempt to make an insurance claim for flooding on a standard commercial insurance policy will quickly reveal the need for a separate flood policy. Find out why general property insurance often excludes flood damage and what to look for in terms of flood insurance for a commercial building in Oklahoma City, OK.

Most General Policies Exclude Flooding

Primary commercial property insurance policies often exclude incidents in which external water breaches the interior of a structure, with the exception of leaks in an otherwise well-maintained roof. Check to see whether the following types of damage are cut out of a general policy:

  • Flooding
  • Sewer backups
  • Storm surges

It is necessary to obtain endorsements or supplemental policies to cover this damage. Flood policies typically cover storm surges, but an additional rider or policy is required for cleaning and restoring sewer damage.

The National Flood Insurance Program

The NFIP is a relatively easy way for commercial property owners to get coverage for flooding. A property must be located in a community that participates in the program. If the owner of a property located in an area with a high flood risk has a mortgage from a federally-backed lender, flood coverage may be a requirement. This policy may include up to $500,000 in coverage for a structure and up to $500,000 for business or personal contents.

Private Commercial Insurance

If the NFIP is not available in a particular area, a property owner may want to obtain an independent flood policy through a private insurer. Check to see whether a primary commercial insurer also offers flood coverage.

If you own a commercial building in Oklahoma City, OK, you should be aware of the extent of your insurance coverage. General property insurance, flood insurance and additional policies or riders to cover interruptions can keep a business afloat in the event of major flooding or other storm damage.

How Insurance Helps Your Business After a Storm

4/1/2022 (Permalink)

keyboard with a label from a business insurance Insurance provides a safety net for your business's unexpected expenses, like the need to rebuild after a storm.

How Insurance Can Assist Your Business Following A Storm

If you need to rebuild after a storm damages your Oklahoma City, OK, commercial building, you may worry about lost income and restoration expenses. Fortunately, there are a variety of insurance policies available that can help you stay afloat while you restore your business to full operational capacity. The following are two types of insurance that come in handy after damage to a commercial property.

Interruption Insurance

Even a closed business has expenses. Business interruption insurance covers many of those expenses, including:

  • Payroll
  • Taxes
  • Monthly payments
  • Temporary relocation expenses
  • Training for new equipment

Interruption insurance also covers lost profits if you have adequate documentation showing earlier profits that can be used to estimate how much earning potential was lost during the restoration period. Speak with your insurance agent to ensure you fully understand what is covered and under what conditions as well as any special documentation that you need.

Commercial Property Insurance

Property insurance generally covers the cost of damage to physical property, including lost inventory and structural damage as well as damage to employees' personal property that was at the insured location. As with interruption insurance, it is important to speak with your insurance agent so that you fully understand what is included your policy. The insurance agent should also be able to provide you with a list of approved restoration service providers to help with the rebuild.

To make filing a claim easier, it is ideal to have a list of all inventory and property located at the covered address. Include purchase dates and prices on the list and store it in a secure location, such as cloud storage or a fireproof safe.

Insurance provides a safety net for your business's unexpected expenses, like the need to rebuild after a storm. Make sure you keep your policies up-to-date and speak with your insurance agent so that you fully understand your policies and coverage.

A Quick-Reference Guide to Commercial Floodwater Insurance

11/11/2021 (Permalink)

Flood insurance form on a table with a book. While purchasing insurance to protect your business from flooding is generally a good idea, you may have a legal obligation to purchase coverage.

A Guide To Commercial Flood Insurance in a Nutshell

Regardless of the nature of your Edmond, OK, business, it must stay dry to be successful. After all, few things can destroy a business faster than rising floodwaters. If you have been thinking about purchasing flood insurance for your company, you prbablyo have a few basic questions about this type of coverage.

Does Your Business Need Commercial Floodwater Insurance?

While purchasing insurance to protect your business from flooding is generally a good idea, you may have a legal obligation to purchase coverage. If both of the following apply to your organization, you may be required to carry a flood policy:

  • Your business is in a high-risk flood area
  • You have a federally-regulated or insured mortgage

How Do You Know If Your Business Needs Flood Protection?

While your business may not have a contractual responsibility to purchase flood insurance, you may decide your company needs it anyway. Typically, businesses located inside floodplains need flood coverage. Both federal and state governmental agencies maintain maps to help business owners decide whether their companies are susceptible to floodwaters.

Does Regular Business Insurance Cover Flood Damage?

Generally, conventional commercial insurance does not provide coverage for flood damage. While your general policy may protect your business from flooding due to broken pipes or other plumbing problems, it likely won’t cover flooding that occurs during a natural disaster, dam break or other outside flooding event. If your business sustains damage during a flood, you will likely need the assistance of a professional restoration service. The best way to pay for restoration is often with comprehensive flood coverage.

No business owner wants to watch floodwaters carry away equipment or inventory. Therefore, for many Edmond, OK, business owners, planning for floodwaters is part of the normal business process. By understanding flood insurance and finding the right policy, you can be certain your organization has the resources it needs to fully recover when waters recede.

Building a Defense Against Wind Damage

9/20/2021 (Permalink)

Billboard at the entrance of a company If your business is damaged by inclement weather, give our SERVPRO of the North Oklahoma City team a call.

Constructing A Wind Damage Defense

You already know to protect your place of business against lightning and rain during thunderstorms in Oklahoma City, OK, but like many business owners, you’ve likely overlooked the threat that wind poses during severe weather conditions. The truth is, wind can do as much damage to your commercial building as other thunderstorm threats in a shorter amount of time. It can:

  • Strip away shingles to cause a substantial roof leak
  • Damage your roof with branches or downed trees
  • Shatter windows

Fortunately, protecting yourself from this invisible threat is simple when you know the right steps to take.

Outdoor Cleanup

Your first step toward protecting your establishment from wind damage is to clean up the outside. That means replacing gravel and rock landscaping with something softer (like mulch or straw) or unmovable (like asphalt or concrete). Keep branches on trees around your building trimmed, and consider taking down any trees that are too close to the building or which already show signs of damage. Your local utility company may help out by pruning trees near power lines if you place a few calls. Furthermore, consider removing any loose outdoor furniture from courtyards, lounge areas and patios indoors when you hear a thunderstorm being forecast for your area to prevent the creation of flying debris.

Proper Inspections

Removing trees and branches sometimes isn’t enough to completely protect a roof, especially if it’s old or already has damage like missing shingles. Ensure your business is up to the next storm by investing in annual inspections by professional roofers who can identify and properly fix damaged roofs before they become a real issue, leading to a roof leak or much worse. Perform the same courtesy for your building’s windows and doors as well to prevent shattering and blow-ins during high-wind storms.

Taking these steps may not eliminate wind damage altogether; you might encounter a roof leak here and there or a crack in your window. But the right precautions help to make your business a safer place for you and your employees when strong winds blow in.

What To Do Before Allowing Employees To Return After a Flood

8/10/2021 (Permalink)

no ceiling tiles in a commercial office a dehumidifier, clear glass building you can see a green truck parked Commercial storm damage in Oklahoma City, OK.

What to Do Before Allowing Employees to Reenter the Workplace Following a Flood

If a flood happens in Oklahoma City, OK, it is likely that your business could receive harmful damage. Backed-up sewage lines often lead to black water damage, and leaking water can ruin machinery and important documents. Flood cleanup can take a while, but it’s important to get your business up and running as soon as possible. Here are a few things to consider before calling your employees back into work.


Before you allow anyone back into your building, be sure to inspect the stability of the structure. You’ll likely use water damage repair services, but once you can safely reenter the building, it’s important to do a thorough check-up on everything. There are a few things you might do to ensure the security of your employees:

  • Examining water supplies for any contamination
  • Confirming secure connections to all electrical systems
  • Testing for asbestos or black water corruption
  • Checking air filtration devices used during the cleanup and restoration process

Once you have thoroughly inspected your commercial building, you can consider contacting your workers.


Area-wide disasters can be scary. Be sure to take care of your workers during this challenging time, especially if some of them are dealing with their own loss of property or transportation. Consider accommodations such as flexible scheduling and on-site daycare to support your employees.


Don’t forget to keep your workers and customers informed. There are many ways to communicate, so use your resources to connect clearly and concisely. Your business should provide reassurance to your employees by sharing restoration plans and recent updates. When you are thinking about allowing your workers to return, notify them in advance so that they can prepare themselves.

Taking these steps to take care of your employees will not only provide security but will also improve their attitude towards your business. Black water damage may harm your building’s structure, but it doesn’t have to ruin your employees’ relationship with the company.

What Happens to Your Home After a Flood?

7/27/2021 (Permalink)

Drywall removed If extreme weather damages your property call SERVPRO.

After a Flood, What Happens to Your House?

Flooding: It’s every homeowner’s nightmare. It’s also something you hope to never experience. Unfortunately, residents in Edmond, OK, have to deal with this reality. While you can certainly do some things to minimize the likelihood of flooding in some cases, you can’t always hold back floods from getting into your home. If water has damaged parts of your home, you’ll need to tear out the affected areas. There are other important steps you’ll need to follow in order to get your home back to a livable state.

Get Rid of the Water

Different amounts of water find their way into your home during a flood. Even small amounts can cause water damage to your valuables and to various parts of your house. It’s vital that you remove this water as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of mold.

  • Extract the water using a wet vacuum.
  • Use an industrial-strength carpet cleaner to suck up water.
  • Call a professional company that specializes in storm restoration to help.

Remove Damaged Items

After a flood, chances are high that your walls and flooring will have damage. These areas might even be completely destroyed or unusable. In these cases, you need to tear out ruined carpet, hardwood, tile, or drywall. This will help ensure that mold and other foreign materials don’t form.


Don’t forget to clean the affected areas once you’ve removed flooring and drywall. Getting rid of water and the damaged areas isn’t enough. You also must use a heavy-duty cleaner and sanitizer to reduce the risk of bacteria growing in your home. This process will also help eliminate unpleasant odors.

After a flood in your home, it’s vital that you remove any remaining water and that you tear out and clean affected places. You don’t have to perform these important tasks on your own. Choose the right company to get your home back to normal.

How Deep Does Hail Damage Go?

5/12/2021 (Permalink)

summer rain with hail falls on the roof of slate After a hail storm, you should always check your roof.

Hail Damage To Your Commercial Building

Hail consists of large spheroid ice particles that have the potential to cause significant damage. While severe hail measures one inch or larger, hailstones that measure one-half inch or less can still cause significant damage by denting or dinging surfaces or causing roof damage that leads to leaks. Learn how hail damage affects commercial buildings in Oklahoma City, OK.

Surface Dents and Dings
Hail creates dents or dings in malleable surfaces. While this damage is often more considerable on vehicles, hailstones can still damage a building in any of the following ways:

  • Breaking skylights or windows
  • Denting metal roofing
  • Causing dings or cracks in siding
  • Puncturing roof membranes

While some hail damage is only superficial, hail that damages roofing materials has the potential to affect the interior of a structure. Roofers can identify and fix damaged areas that would otherwise be prone to leak.

Broken Roof Membranes
If a built-up roof or a roof membrane is damaged by hail, the roofing material may allow water to drip down to the roof deck or attic. A leak can affect building materials such as insulation and work its way down into a building interior.

Leaks Cause Interior Damage
A major roof leak that originates from hail damage has the potential to affect building materials and contents. From insulation in the attic to ceilings and drywall in finished interiors, hail has the potential to damage the exteriors and interiors of commercial structures.
In the year 2020, over 4,500 hail storms occurred across the United States. Maintaining roofing is the best way to prepare any commercial building for hail. It is easier to find and fix roof damage on a roof that is well-maintained, and it is less likely that minor hail damage will affect the interior. After a hail storm in Oklahoma City, OK, a property owner or manager should always check on the roof.

What Items Can Be Saved After a Flood?

4/8/2021 (Permalink)

A building with transparent glass, outside the building there is a green truck parked, inside there is a dehumidifier Commercial storm damage in Oklahoma City, OK.

What Items Can Be Saved And What Should Be Replaced

After your commercial property in Oklahoma City, OK, is flooded, you need to determine what items can be saved and what should be replaced. In most cases, the answer depends on how long your items are exposed to moisture and their type of materials. Content cleaning of any items that can be restored saves you the expense of replacing them.

When Does Water Damage Begin?
Water damage and mold growth from a flood can begin immediately. As soon as it is safe to do so, start taking steps to protect your property until a professional restoration company can begin work:

  • Prevent more water from entering if possible.
  • Hang up rugs and textiles.
  • Mop or blot water from tabletops and furniture surfaces.
  • If furniture is on wet carpet, place aluminum foil or wood blocks between carpeting and furniture legs.
  • Move books or colored objects from wet carpet.

In warm weather, air conditioning can assist with the drying process.

What Items Can I Keep?
Generally speaking, most non-porous materials can be restored, while porous materials may need to be replaced. Porous materials include wood furniture and baseboards, ceiling tiles, books, paper products, and drywall. Non-porous materials include metal shelving, plastic furniture, countertops and concrete floors.
The longer an item has been exposed to water or moisture, the more likely it will sustain damage. Items exposed to black water, or very contaminated water, require special consideration.

How Are Items Cleaned?
A restoration company can use various methods of content cleaning on items. Dry or wet cleaning, foam cleaning, immersion cleaning and abrasive cleaning are a few possible methods. The technique used depends on the object's material makeup. Sanitizing and disinfecting treatments can be applied where needed.
Content cleaning can reduce the number of items you have to discard after a flood in your Oklahoma City, OK, property. The sooner you can remove items from flooding and moisture, the better your chances are restoring them.

5 Ways To Improve the Ease of Filing a Flood Claim

1/12/2021 (Permalink)

insurance claim form, paperwork and legal document, accidental and insurance concepts An insurance claim is a legal document

Five Things That Could Make the Life Of An Owner Easier

Insurance policies exist for dire times: situations in which major harm occurs to a property such as fire, mold, or storm damage. For many people, this doesn’t happen often, making it an unusual first when a claim is actually filed. The newness may be a bit intimidating at first, but homeowners take certain steps to smooth out the process. When initiating a flood claim, the following five things can make an owner’s life a bit easier.

1. Understand the Policy’s Nuances
An insurance claim is a legal document. Homeowners have paid toward it, but that payment is only useful if the damage falls into the policy’s rules and regulations. Be sure to check with your paperwork before calling. It’s best to know how the flood falls within your plan.

2. Make Immediate Contact With the Insurer
A flood claim needs to be made as soon as the dampness occurs. Allowing it to linger permits for secondary damage, allowing more harm and costing more money. Insurance agencies should see that the owner, in good faith, has tried to safeguard as much of the premises as possible so that less work and fewer costs may be incurred.

3. Mitigate the Problem
Repair some things while you wait for the insurance claim. If the flood happened because of a sewer break or broken pipe, then that cannot be delayed. Save the receipts and evaluations that go along with those expenses. It’s possible to apply for that funding later.

4. Photograph the Destruction
Evidence is a valuable supporting document. Using a camera, video, or photograph anything drenched. Save it to your computer, and send the file to the insurer.

5. Obtain Assessments
The insurance adjuster will visit the home, offering an overview of the restoration price. It’s important to have your own testing and evaluation performed by a water restoration company in Oklahoma City, OK. This may also be turned over for review, validating a request.
A flood claim takes time, so be patient, and go slow. In addition, focus on knowing your policy’s information and showing evidence that defends your case.

5 Ways to Protect Your Building from Flood Damage

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

Practice regularly your fire escape plan with your employees Create and practice an emergency evacuation plan

5 Ways to Protect Your Building from Flood Damage

Protecting your commercial building in Oklahoma City, OK, is an important part of being a business owner. Disasters, such as storm and flood damage, can strike at any time and it's important that you take the necessary steps to protect your building. The following tactics can help you keep your property, your business and your employees safe in the event of a severe storm.

1. Pay Attention to Emergency Alerts.
Subscribing to a credible emergency alert system can help you stay up to date on severe weather activity. Pay attention to what the authorities have to tell you and make sure to follow their directions if they instruct you to evacuate.

2. Create and Practice an Emergency Evacuation Plan.
Meet with your employees to draft and discuss potential evacuation plans. Once you create an effective strategy, you need to make sure to regularly practice emergency protocol with all of your employees. This can help eliminate accidents and unnecessary panic, if flooding does strike.

3. Protect Important Documents.
Any physical documents need to be sealed away in waterproof containers, as well as elevated on high shelves that are at least one foot above the projected flood level. It's also important to create multiple backup copies of electronic documents. You can store these on the Cloud to protect them from flood damage.

4. Trim Back Overgrown Trees and Shrubbery.
Overgrown tree branches can quickly become dangerous projectiles in the event of a storm. Make sure to regularly trim back any plant growth that could potentially inflict storm damage on your building's roof or windows.

5. Install Backup Generators.
If the flood isn't severe enough to warrant an evacuation, you want to make sure that your employees can continue to conduct business. Install a backup generator to supply your building with power and reduce the amount of lost income.
The above precautionary measures can help you protect your property, business and employees from flood damage. If your building has fallen victim to flooding or storm damage, make sure to contact storm remediation professionals as soon as you can.

3 Things To Consider When Buying Storm Shutters

10/20/2020 (Permalink)

Rolling shutters Different types of shutters are rated to withstand different levels of force

Choose The Right Protection For Your Home

If a storm is bearing down on Edmond, OK, you’ll want to make sure your home and your family are protected. High winds and flying objects can cause devastating damage and require extensive storm restoration work. When it comes to window protection, homeowners have many options to choose from. Here are some things to keep in mind when choosing the right protection for your home.

1. Cost
Storm shutters vary widely in cost, from inexpensive plywood sheets to custom fitted impact glass or motorized roll-down shutters. When you’re calculating costs, keep in mind not only the cost of the window coverings themselves, but also the cost of installing them, as well how long they’re likely to last.

2. Ease of Installation
Storm shutters do you no good if you can’t effectively get them into place before a storm hits. Permanent window covering options are typically a costlier initial investment for materials and labor, but they can be locked into storm mode quickly and easily when needed. Temporary options, like storm panels, cost less up front but require more time, effort, and skill to install when the forecast calls for high winds. Temporary methods also involve removing and storing the shutters, so make sure you have adequate storage space, if necessary.

3. Protection Level
Different types of shutters are rated to withstand different levels of force. You may need varying levels of protection for certain windows, depending on which side of your house they’re on, which floor they’re on, their size, and other factors. Large openings, such as sliding glass doors, require more reinforcement than smaller windows. Windows that face the beach might be more likely to bear the direct force of hurricane-level winds, but less likely to be hit with debris.
Choosing the right window protection method depends on your location, installation skills, financial ability, storage space, and other factors. What’s important is that your chosen protection method is in good condition and installed correctly before high winds begin to blow. When done properly, whatever method you choose will help your home and your family stay safer during storms.

Commercial Storm vs. Flood Damage

9/14/2020 (Permalink)

Entrance of a building flooded Flood damage in Edmond, OK

Understand The Difference Between Storm and Flood Damage

Storms can lead to flooding, but flood damage is not the same as storm damage. Although this sounds like a riddle, it is important to understand the difference between the two when you are insuring your Edmond, OK, commercial property.

Storm Damage
Storms can cause all sorts of damage to a property. The following are some common ways that a storm can damage a business building:

  • Wind
  • Hail
  • Lightning

Damage from the above sources are likely covered under your commercial property insurance policy. However, damage caused by rain is a bit trickier. If the rain entered the building after damage caused by the storm, such as through a roof leak caused by strong winds, the water damage is likely classified as storm damage and covered under the same policy. However, in other situations, water damage from heavy rains may only be covered by a separate flood policy.

Flood Damage
For insurance purposes, flooding is defined as the inundation of two or more acres or properties that are normally dry. The inundation can be caused by heavy rains, mudflow, or overflow from rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water. If the water damage is classified as flooding, it will only be covered if you have a flood policy.
There is another important difference between water damage from a storm and from a flood. While the water from a storm usually comes as rainwater from the sky, flood water has accumulated on the ground and become contaminated with mud, sewage, etc. This is important to keep in mind during the restoration process. Items damaged by floodwater should be thoroughly sanitized. If they cannot be fully disinfected, they should be thrown away.
It is important to discuss your business’s needs with an insurance agent and carefully read through all policies to ensure your business is properly covered in the event of flood damage. In addition to an insurance policy, it is important to select a certified restoration company to help get your property back to normal quickly and safely after a flood or storm.

3 Differences Between Storm and Flood Damage

9/4/2020 (Permalink)

Differences Between Storm and Flood Damage

During a storm in Oklahoma City, OK, there may be damage done to your building. While you may think that all storm damage is the same, this is not always the case. There is one very important distinction that should be made. This is that floods are considered to be a separate issue from other types of water damage that may occur during a storm. The following are a few differences between the two.

1. The Source of the Water

The first difference between storm and flood damage is the source of the water that enters your building. During a storm, leaks can occur, allowing water inside. Even if the amount is significant, this is not considered to be a flood. Flood waters are those that rise up from the ground and enter the building from below. When trying to determine the type of water damage you have, this is probably the easiest way.

2. The Category of Water

Rain is classified as category 1 water, which means that it is clean and will not cause any significant harm to you. While flood waters may have risen because of the rain, they are classified differently. Once the rainwater begins to rise and mix with other sources, such as sewer water, it becomes category 3. This water is highly contaminated and should be avoided. Flood damage will require thorough sanitization.

3. Insurance Coverage

In most cases, water damage is included in commercial insurance policies. However, most flood damage is not and, if it is, coverage will usually be limited. If there are often floods in the area, it may be a good idea to invest in a separate flood policy to make sure that your property is covered during an emergency.
If your property has been damaged by flooding or anything else during a storm, you will likely need repairs. Contact a cleanup and restoration company to get your building back to its previous condition as soon as possible.

Mitigate Water Damage During a Flood Claim

8/11/2020 (Permalink)

Air movers drying affected area Storm damage in Edmond, OK

Mitigate Water Damage During a Flood Claim

Floods can be devastating, which is why it is vital to have flood insurance if your Edmond, OK, home is in an area in which they frequently happen. When one happens, homeowners need to make the necessary calls to submit a claim and get the cleanup process started. Unfortunately, if flooding isn’t just in your home, it could mean that adjusters have been inundated with claims. While waiting for the inspection and to get the water damage and restoration process going, preventing further problems also needs to be considered.

Secondary Damage

Flood damage doesn’t just mean water-logged belongings. It could potentially mean that harmful black water has entered the home or open your home up to other potential issues. If it is safe to enter the home, it is important to mitigate issues that you are able to.

Remove Water – If the flood insurance provider gives the go-ahead, removing excess water and beginning the dry-out process is the best way to minimize damage.
Mold Mitigation – A flood often presents the ideal environment for mold to grow. Removing saturated items within 48 hours can prevent mold damage from happening.
Secure the Home – If any windows were broken or the storm caused roof damage, it is important to put temporary coverings up to prevent damage from spreading or new damage from happening.

Document Everything
From the onset of the process and anything you do before the adjuster arrives, document everything. Take pictures or video of every aspect of the home from flooded carpets to ruined pictures. Before making any temporary repairs, take pictures of the before and after to ensure the insurance company has clear documentation of the damage.
While flood insurance is vital for many homeowners, there can be a delay in getting the restoration process going. Doing what you can and ensuring the damage is documented can minimize the damage and help the claim go more smoothly.

3 Reasons Not to Wait For Your Insurance Adjuster

4/28/2020 (Permalink)

Wet wood with mold growth. Secondary damage after storm in Oklahoma City, OK

3 Reasons Not to Wait For Your Insurance Adjuster

After a flood in Oklahoma City, OK, one of the first things you should do if your home is damaged is to file a flood insurance claim. This can sometimes be a lengthy process that involves several steps. One of these will involve an adjuster inspecting your home and evaluating the damage. While you may think you need to wait for him or her to show up to begin working on your home, this is not the case. The following are some reasons why.

1. It Could Be a Long Wait
If there has been severe weather in the area, it is likely that your house is not the only one with flood damage. Your adjuster may be busy dealing with a long list of clients. If this is the case, then it might take a while before he or she is able to visit your home.
2. Damage Can Worsen Quickly
Water and moisture can continue to damage your home as long as it remains in the building. Mold damage can occur in just 24 hours, wood can begin to warp, and metal can rust. Waiting to begin cleanup can result in the need for more costly and time-consuming repairs.
3. It Might Cost You Money
When you file a flood insurance claim, the company will expect you to take the necessary measures to prevent damage from getting worse. If you don’t do this, they may choose not to cover the costs of these repairs. To prevent your claim from being denied, you should hire a cleanup and restoration company to perform mitigation to reduce the spread of water damage.
The process of completing a flood insurance claim can be stressful, so you should do what you can to keep things running smoothly. This means taking care of a few things while you wait for your adjuster. Along with cleaning up your home, you may want to go over your policy to familiarize yourself with the terms and see what you should expect.

5 Steps for Handling a Flooded Commercial Building

4/3/2020 (Permalink)

Ceiling of commercial building collapsed, SERVPRO truck parked out of the building Storm damage in Oklahoma City, OK

5 Steps for Handling a Flooded Commercial Building

After a storm in Oklahoma City, OK, your building may experience a flood. It’s best to know beforehand how to manage the flood cleanup, such as what to keep and what to tear out. In the aftermath of a flood:

1. Turn Off Electricity

Before stepping into any water, you must shut off power to the flooded area. An electric current will flow through water in which electronics or appliances are sitting. Simply stepping into this water could be deadly. If you can’t safely navigate to the breaker box, call an electrician to turn the electricity off at the meter.

2. Stop the Water

If rainwater is still flowing into the building, you may be able to block it with sandbags or flood bags. More measures can be taken once the rain stops or lets up significantly.

3. Extract Standing Water

As soon as it stops entering the building, you should begin removing standing water. A wet/dry vacuum is an excellent investment to have on hand for such situations. It’ll safely and quickly extract water and small debris. If a wet/dry vacuum isn’t available mops and towels will have to do.

4. Remove Water-Damaged Material

When all the standing water is removed, you’ll want to extract all waterlogged materials as soon as possible. Water damage will continue to increase as long as saturated items remain; tear out could be substantial. Water-soaked carpet and padding will have to be disposed of. Porous items such as upholstered or wooden furniture can be kept only if it can be completely dried within 48 hours. Wet drywall will also need to be removed and discarded, as it’ll quickly start growing mold throughout the material.

5. Disinfect and Dry

Mold will begin growing within 24 hours of water exposure, so it’s important to sanitize and dry all surfaces as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. Borax is recommended as opposed to bleach for cleaning. Use fresh air, fans, heaters, and dehumidifiers to dry the area.
If your property has been affected by floodwaters, storm restoration professionals can help. From water extraction to tear out and drying, they’ll return your building to its preloss condition.

How Landscaping Can Save Your Home From Storm Damage

11/12/2019 (Permalink)

Rain garden Sometimes, the best way to combat outside flooding involves installing rain gardens

How Landscaping Can Save Your Home From Storm Damage

Outside flooding can be just as damaging to your Edmond, OK  home as indoor flooding. Accumulated rainwater can infiltrate the building and create erosion that can damage your lawn. However, you can mitigate this devastating impact. You can use certain landscaping techniques that can decrease the amount of water accumulated around your house, which significantly reduces potential water damage and the need to call a water damage repair company.

Draining Driveways

Driveways are one of the most common places where rain drainage can gather and harm your home. You might need to consider rainwater when making choices for the design of your driveway.

Placement of grass near the driveway
Drainage systems on the sides
Gravel as pavement material
Spaced paving techniques

Strategic driveway design can make efficient use of excessive water, rather than allow it to flood the property.

Rain Gardens

Sometimes, the best way to combat outside flooding involves installing rain gardens. In this practice, you place plants with higher wetness resistance in the center of a depression, with other plants around the edges. This landscape feature allows the water to collect in the middle and reintegrate into the soil, thus feeding the central plants, while the edges dry off faster. Native plants are the most effective, since they require less maintenance.

Living Roofs

Another outdoor location in your home that can flood and create water damage after a rain storm is the roof. While you may have a sloped roof and a drainage system to avoid the buildup, you can take these measures further. Living roofs, also known as green roofs, have vegetation and plants that absorb much of the rainwater. These roofs also include slopes, rain spouts and drainage systems that further distribute the water.
Even though inside flooding poses a direct threat to your property, outside flooding can contribute just as much. Certain landscaping designs can help you prevent the damage caused by such occurrence.

Storm Water Cleanup Guide for a Business

10/26/2019 (Permalink)

A part of carpet has been removed from an office and there is mold where the carpet was removed Wet fabric removed from an Oklahoma City office

Storm Water Cleanup Guide for a Business

When you enter a business after a storm, you will immediately notice the water damage. The first step in the cleanup is to tear out everything wet. Tearing out must happen quickly so that mold doesn’t become a problem. Storm water can find its way

  • Into cracks and crevasses
  • Under and behind the molding
  • Behind walls
  • Into the subfloor
  • Into the rooms below

Remove Free-Standing Water

If you don’t remove it now, it will cause more damage later. A wet/dry vac is the perfect tool for this job. Every drop that you collect will help complete the recovery that much sooner.

Remove Wet Fabrics

Fabric items include carpets and padding, window treatments, furniture and anything else that retains water. It might make sense to use your wet/dry vac to remove excess water from these items before moving them.
You may wonder if you should dispose of or restore these items. Items for disposal should go immediately in the trash. Relocate items for restoration to a place where they are out of the way of the cleanup and can’t cause any further problems.

Remove Remaining Items

Wet items should go to someplace where they won’t cause any additional problems. You can decide their disposition later. These items may include electronics, photos, important documents and non-fabric furniture.
Remove everything not damaged to a holding area. It needs to be out of the way so that cleanup can continue.

Locate the Remaining Hidden Moisture

Tear out the wet baseboards and molding. You can reuse them if they survive the drying process without warping. Do the same with the damp wallboard. The only difference is that the wallboard is not salvageable.
The tear out stage of storm restoration is labor-intensive and time-consuming. It also requires a quick completion to prevent mold growth. If your Oklahoma City, OK, business faces a storm damage crisis, it’s good to know that there are storm damage restoration specialists nearby and ready to help. They are just a phone call away.

Dealing With Water Damage in the Home

9/10/2019 (Permalink)

Air movers and dehumidifier drying up an area that was affected by storm Storm damage in Oklahoma City

Water damage to your Oklahoma City, OK, home is a frightening prospect. However, knowing a little about the different types of water and the cleanup process can make the situation less stressful.

Water Categories

There are three classifications of water. These classifications are determined by the amount and type of contamination present.

  1. Clean water is uncontaminated. This water is usually from pipes, rainwater or snow melt. Generally, this water is not harmful.
  2. Gray water is slightly contaminated, usually with soap or other chemicals. This type of water comes from appliance drains, aquariums, etc. This category may be harmful, so use caution when cleaning up.
  3. Black water is highly contaminated and poses health risks. Flood water and sewage are in this category. Be very careful with this type of water.

It is important to note that water begins in one category but will become contaminated with time. Within two days, clean water becomes gray water and gray water becomes black water. It is crucial to act quickly when dealing with standing water.

Cleanup Process

When dealing with a flood, the cleanup process varies depending on the cause of the water damage and the contamination level. However, the process usually follows a similar pattern. The first step is removing the standing water. Wet/dry vacuums and pumps come in handy here. After extracting as much of the water as possible, it is important to dry out any remaining moisture. Heavy-duty dehumidifiers, fans and open windows can all speed up this process. While the area is drying out, examine the objects and surfaces that were affected by the water. Some material, such as carpet and insulation, may not be salvageable. Things that cannot be effectively dried and cleaned should be discarded to prevent mold spreading to surrounding items. After the area is fully dried, you should sanitize the surfaces the water came into contact with using commercial cleaners or a bleach mixture.
Regardless of the type of water damage you experience, a professional restoration company can return your home to pre-flood condition quickly and safely.

How to Remove Odor After a Flood

8/12/2019 (Permalink)

If you’ve suffered water damage after sewage loss or a flood in Oklahoma City, OK, you may have noticed that your home has a lingering odor even after you’ve cleaned it. When this occurs, it might be secondary damage caused by the water. Mold grows quickly in moist environments, so it is possible that this is what is creating the odor in your house. Here are a few things you can try to remove it.

1. Wash Affected Items
Soft and porous materials, such as stuffed toys, mattresses and clothing absorb water easily, along with the contaminants that it contains. If there were mold spores in the water, these items may now be the home of mold growth. If there are affected items that you have not washed, you should do this immediately. Some belongings, such as furniture, that cannot be so easily cleaned might need to be replaced instead.

2. Clean the Walls and Floors
While they may not hold water as easily as softer materials, hard surfaces are not entirely safe from mold growth. If these areas remained wet for an extended period of time, a mold colony may have formed. Scrub down any walls, floors and surfaces that were affected by the flood.

3. Hire a Professional
If you have done everything that you can and are still unable to remove the unpleasant smell from your home, then it may be time to hire a clean up and restoration service. Not only can they locate mold growth in areas that you might have missed, but they also have the tools and experience to remove it. They can also use professional equipment to eliminate any odors in the building.

Floodwater is highly contaminated and can carry sewage, bacteria and other contaminants like mold. If your home has been cleaned but you are still experiencing the bad smell, hiring a professional may be the best choice for you.

Should You Add Storm Shutters To Your Home?

7/9/2019 (Permalink)

Storm shutters, give them a try!

Storm Shutter Category

High winds effect homes almost all over the nation, in one form or another. To protect your home in Edmond, OK, and to help lower your insurance premium, you should consider reinforcing one of the most vulnerable parts of your structure- the windows! No matter what your needs, there is a category of shutter for you.


If you want to install something quickly while you shop for more high quality shutters, or if you have already experienced storm damage, there are some cheaper and more temporary options available. If your wallet is tight or you are located in a place where hurricanes are infrequent, you may also be looking for something along these lines. There are a few options to choose from:

  • Panel shutters, $7-15 each
  • Fabric storm panels, $75 per window
  • 5/8 inch thick plywood, $1 per square foot


High winds don't stand a chance against high strength rolling shutters. This type uses a cranking mechanism to roll shutters down from a box housed at the top of your window along two tracks. They are attractive and sleek, made of polycarbonate or high quality metal. These shutters offer additional functionality in the form of insulation and privacy. This option usually costs between $20-30 per square foot of window area.


You may have heard of Bahama storm shutters, iconic to island style houses. These shutters hinge at the top of your window and can be lowered down into place. Having originated in the Bahamas, it comes as no surprise that they are also meant to provide shade and keep your house cool. They come in standard window sizes, usually costing between $200-$1000 each. Not to mention they can add a fun pop of color to your exterior.
In a storm with high winds, such as a hurricane, protecting your windows should be given a high priority. Depending on where you live and what type of windows you have, your shutter solution can vary. Give them a try!

3 Things Not To Do After a Flood

6/24/2019 (Permalink)

Many homeowners who experience flooding for the first time are unprepared.Contact SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City for your restoration process.

It’s one of many homeowner’s worst nightmares: a large storm or local disaster has flooded your neighborhood in Oklahoma City, OK. Many who experience flooding for the first time are unprepared and uninformed, not knowing what to do after floodwater has covered the streets or entered their home. To help you prepare, whether you’re facing a flooded home now or foresee its possibility in the future, here are three things not to do after a flood:

1. Remain in your home. For you and your family’s safety, if water has entered your home, it’s important to leave and not reenter until the flooding has subsided. In a flood’s immediate aftermath, the risk of rising water is still imminent due to the possibility of more rain, a compromised levy or busted dam. Find refuge outside the flood area, whether it be in a hotel, a loved one's home or a public shelter.

2. Touch the water. Flood water can be contaminated with any number of bacteria, sewage and/or chemicals that can be harmful to your skin and health. It’s also imperative to avoid standing water to minimize the risk of electric shock from electrical lines and equipment touching the water. If you must enter or be around the water for any reason, protective clothing such as rubber boots should be worn.

3. Fix it yourself. Repairing flood damage in a home can require a large number of construction materials, professional knowledge and skill to ensure the damage is fully repaired and any mold is removed. Instead of trying to take on the job yourself, it’s best to save time and additional headaches by contacting a water damage repair and restoration company.

For any homeowner, flood water is certainly an unwelcome sight. Knowing what to do, or not do, in this type of disaster is imperative to keep you and your family safe and to begin the restoration process successfully.

Teaming Up: How Disaster Response Companies and Insurance Agents Work in Tandem

6/17/2019 (Permalink)

Contact SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City right away so you’ll get the best disaster response and the fastest response from your insurance agent.

No one in Oklahoma City, OK, wants to think about dealing with flooding at home following a major storm. These disasters can cause widespread damage and may even destroy parts of your home, if not your entire house altogether. Two groups of professionals will play a vital role in easing you through the recovery process: a professional storm restoration company and your insurance provider. When these two entities work together, you can get through an otherwise awful situation.

The Aftermath

Once you discover a flood or water damage in your home after a big storm, you need to act quickly. Delays can only make the problem worse and damage more costly. Here’s what you should after a flood:

• Safely exit your home; only take items with you that you can easily and safely carry.
• Contact a reputable, experienced storm response company to assess the damage and provide cleanup services.
• Get in touch with your insurance company to report the incident and file a claim.

What the Professionals Will Do First

A storm restoration team from SERVPRO will start off by inspecting the flooded area and making note of the damage the water caused. A technician will record what items and areas of the home suffered and will then come up with a plan of how to clean up and repair the damage. SERVPRO will communicate with your insurance agent, and the two companies will get on the same page so you’ll get proper coverage.

What Are the Advantages?

Time is of the essence when it comes to repairing flood damage. It’s also vital that your insurance company initiates the claims process so you don’t have to worry about paying for expensive repairs to the issues. Because SERVPRO is thorough in every step of its work, you can rest assured that the insurance company will have all the information it needs to do its part in a timely manner.

Don’t risk hiring the wrong storm restoration group. Get in touch with SERVPRO right away so you’ll get the best disaster response and the fastest response from your insurance agent.

How To Keep Excess Moisture Out of Your Building

5/7/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial storm damage in Oklahoma City, OK

How To Keep Excess Moisture Out of Your Building

As a business owner in Oklahoma City, OK, you want to make sure your building is safe, clean and useful. Your building's interiors are not designed to withstand a lot of extra moisture, so the key to protecting them is keeping the moisture out. You can avoid most rain damage, even in the strongest storm season, by doing everything you can to make sure your roof and exterior walls resist leaks.

How Leaks Happen

For storm damage to occur, three conditions have to exist:

  • Cracks or openings in wall or roof
  • Water present near the cracks
  • Pressure forcing water into cracks

If you have weak spots in your roof, along the joints of your walls or near your windows, it is likely that water will get into your building and cause some damage. If it goes undetected, an initially small leak can develop into flood damage or black mold growth that has to be remediated by mold mitigation specialists.

How To Prevent Leaks

You can prevent rain damage by having a strong building envelope. Start by inspecting your building and making note of its current state of protection. Look for any openings where water could get in, such as cracks in the plaster, worn flashing or badly installed joints. It's important to identify problem areas so that you can get the necessary repairs done.

Once you know where flood cleanup is likely to be necessary should heavy rainfall occur, you know exactly where to make reinforcements. Consider adding an extra layer of protection on your roof. Check your drainage system to make sure water flows directly into it and away from your building. If possible, recess your windows.

Excess moisture can cause a lot of problems in your building, especially if it is hidden from plain sight. While a little storm cleanup may be necessary with vicious storms, you can prevent most rain damage by upgrading your building's protection.


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