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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Storm Planning to Keep Everyone Calm | SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of North Oklahoma City to help you recover.

Thunder starts to boom and lightning brightens your entire house while the kids are hiding out and the dog won’t get out from under your feet—a storm is ready to strike. In the midst of what can feel like chaos, knowing how to stay safe can feel challenging.

Tornadoes can be quite common in our area, but even the most seasoned Oklahoman can be caught off-guard when things start to get serious. With the threat of strong thunderstorms, heavy rains and intense winds another constant in our community, making a plan is crucial.

With a solid, well-rehearsed emergency plan, you can keep your entire family calm and safe.

Knowing What to Look For

Kids love cloud watching, which makes spending time finding shapes in the sky a great way to start talking about storm safety. Talk to your children about the kinds of clouds they may see when a storm or tornado is approaching. Make sure they understand that things could be dark, or it could look like everything is turning green. Tell them to watch for swirling clouds, and if they ever see any to move to shelter quickly.

Since thunderstorms can be such a common occurrence year round, it can be easy to ignore the first few rumbles. Lightning can strike from many miles away though, so it’s crucial that everyone in your family understands to head indoors when they hear the first boom. Tornado sirens are another important sound that your kids need to be able to identify. Check on testing dates, and tell the kids to see how fast they can safely get indoors when they hear the siren.

Preparing for the Event

Getting familiar with the sights and sounds of a storm is a great way to jump into a deeper conversation about safety with your family. Together, create an emergency plan so that everyone knows where to go and what to take with them when a storm is nearby.

A room with interior walls, no windows and on the lowest level of your home is ideal for riding out tornadoes and strong thunderstorms. Show your kids the best room in your house and have them practice getting themselves there in the dark. Build a family fort to practice huddling together and spending time in tight conditions. Keep things light and fun to ease any potential fears.

Put together an emergency kit as a family as well. Make sure you have plenty of first-aid supplies, batteries, candles and flashlights. Let the kids pick out a fun flashlight to keep as their own, and toss in some of their favorite snacks.

Most items should live in your emergency kit permanently, but when a watch is issued, it is an ideal time to add additional water, prescription medications and shoes for everyone in your family.

Toss in some non-electronic games and books as well. If the power is out long-term, comfort items can be a helpful way to keep everyone happy.

Keeping Calm

Weather anxiety is a common affliction for many of us, so apprehension around severe weather is normal, especially in children. It is important to understand that extreme damage after a storm isn’t common. Most homes will only see damage to the roof, siding and yard when the weather gets rough.

The most important part of any plan is to remain calm. It is much easier to make quick decisions when you aren’t overly stressed, so do what you can to keep everything light-hearted. Stick to your plan and talk with your kids. When you are prepared, you can ride out storms with confidence.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

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